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Philippines Tourist Travel information

: Travel Information : Philippines
  Palawan Island

Lodging AccommodationHotels in Philippines

Results 1 - 6 of 6

  1. Railroads of Philippines
  2. Philippines Travel Guide (Wikitravel)
  3. Historic Town of Vigan - UNESCO World Heritage Site
    Province of Ilocos Sur, Philippines
  4. Baroque Churches of the Philippines - UNESCO World Heritage Site
    Immaculate Conception: District of Intramuros, City of Manila Nuestra Senora: Municipality of Santa Maria, Province of Ilocos Sur San Agustin: Municipality of Paoay, Province of Ilocos Norte Santo Tomas: Municipality of Miag-ao, Province of Iloilo, Philippines
  5. Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park - UNESCO World Heritage Site
    Municipality of Cagayancillo, Province of Palawan, Philippines
  6. Rice Terraces Philippine Cordilleras - UNESCO World Heritage Site
    Luzon Island, Ifugao Province, Cordillera Region, Philippines

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